Welcome to 'Friday Links' on Infinite Zest! This will be a place where I will post links to food related or other fun things. Leave any suggestions below in the comments :) I look forward to sharing things I'm currently drooling over, things I'm watching/reading/listening to, or interesting reads. Get excited!
1. An eating seasonal guide for February. This is something I hold very important as a foodie, and this list/photo just became my laptop background! I am excited to explore new winter vegetables, like sunchokes and celery root
2. Curious about what people eat for breakfast around the world? Well here is a cute informative chart on the subject! Not sure if I could even think about eating reindeer meat, however.
3. These photos are so whimsical and adorable. This could easily be turned into a really fun children's book.
4. Almond milk caramel sauce. I want to douse everything in this. And I just happen to have some unsweetened Califia Farms almond milk...
5. Homemade vegan yogurt without a yogurt maker looks so intriguing! There is so much sugar in vegan yogurt. I love all the probiotics but sometimes the amount of sugar can make my stomach sour. This looks like a pretty easy method for anyone interested!
6. Sake mushrooms with miso butter made me kind of squeal/drool/cry when I saw this. I have been totally obsessed with umami flavors like miso and harissa lately, so this looks incredible.
7. These food related valentine's cards are so adorable.
8. This hot pink lovers juice is perfect for Valentine's Day, and it does not use a juicer! Yay! Because juicers are so damn expensive.
9. Hostess cakes stuffed with blood orange cream look pretty good right about now. And if I wasn't snowed in on the other side of Greensboro, I would totally make these.
10. I will probably end up making heart shaped seasoned fries because they're so adorable. Plus everyone knows that I am obsessed with potatoes. If you want to go really over-the-top adorable, serve them with heart-shaped eggs!
11. I wanted to stick to ten links, but I couldn't not mention True Detective. We started watching this series this week and it's incredible. But fair warning, it's not your usual fast-moving detective drama. It's a slow, meditative series about two detectives speaking in the present and past. The acting is flawless and you will find yourself mesmerized by the things they say. Highly highly recommended.
The fruit list is so helpful - and so cute haha, I don't blame you for making it your screen saver.
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