Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday Favorites

  1. This Grand Budapest/The Shining mash-up is everything I want. I hope one day Wes Anderson will try a horror/suspense film!
  2. It's Negroni week! Check here to see if any bars around you are participating and to see which charity they'll be donating to! 
  3. If there's not a bar near you that's participating, not to fret: celebrate with these Negroni creamsicles. These are very high up on my to-make list.
  4. Can you believe it's already JUNE?! I'm still in denial. Here's a June produce list for your reference. What are you most excited about cooking this month?
  5. I promise I'm not totally obsessed with Negronis, it's really just Campari...but here is the history of the drink, Negroni week, and various International takes on this popular aperitif. 
  6. This video includes a side-by-side comparison of Quentin Tarantino scenes alongside the classic film scenes that inspired them. I absolutely love seeing these connections! 
  7. When was the last time you colored a picture or drew something? Tracy has the right idea with these coloring books for adults (plus some wine). I have my eye on the Jon Hamm coloring book.
  8. As soon as I purchase a proper popsicle mold set, I'm making these beautiful watermelon popsicles
  9. You had me at bourbon poached anything, and then again with peaches. All you need is some vegan vanilla ice cream to go with it!
  10. For your weekly dose of cute: here's a pet duck named Nibbles who gets so excited when his friend comes home from school. Enjoy!
A lovely pot of tea at my favorite tea room in Greensboro: Vida Pour Tea

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